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2024 Christmas Poinsettias

If you would like to honor or remember a loved one, you may place a poinsettia in the Sanctuary to be used in our services on December 22 and 24. Contributions may also be made to United Methodist Family Services or Endowment Giving as a very special commemoration of a life well lived. Please complete the form below or using the insert in your bulletin or Advent newsletter. Once you fill out the form, submit your contribution of $13 per poinsettia by check or via our online donation platform and mark it as “Poinsettias.” Orders must reach the church office no later than noon December 8 in order for the plants to be delivered in time.


Poinsettias may be picked up after the 7:00pm Christmas Eve service.

If you do not have color preferences, simply put the number of poinsettias you would like.
If your poinsettias are in memory of a particular person or group of people, please put their name(s) here as you would like it to appear in the bulletin.
If your poinsettias are in honor of a particular person or group of people, please put their name(s) here as you would like it to appear in the bulletin.
Please put your name or the names of those giving these poinsettias as you would like it to appear in the bulletin.
If you would like to make a contribution in memory of a loved one to United Methodist Family Services or Endowment Giving, please put their name(s) here as you would like it to appear in the bulletin.
If you would like to make a contribution in honor of a loved one to United Methodist Family Services or Endowment Giving, please put their name(s) here as you would like it to appear in the bulletin.
Please put the total amount of your contribution for poinsettias on this line. Poinsettias are $13 each.
Please put the total amount of your contribution for United Methodist Family Services on this line.
Please put the total amount of your contribution for the Endowment Fund on this line.
Total of above