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Advent & Christmas Worship

Celebrate the birth of our Savior with FUMC friends and family!

Advent and Christmas Worship Opportunities

Fairfax UMC offers many opportunities to worship and celebrate in this season of Advent. We hope you’ll join us as we commemorate the birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ. For a full view of all our upcoming events in Advent and beyond, visit our events page.

Fir tree branch with wooden note against blurred lights, space for text. Christmas music

Service of Lessons and Carols

December 22 • 9:30am • In-Person and Online


Our beloved Lessons & Carols service returns for the 9:30am worship service on December 22. This year, the choir will present a special Advent cantata, The Star Arising by Joseph M. Martin, which features a blend of beloved carol tunes and original seasonal selections that carry listeners through the account of Jesus’ birth. Immediately following the Lessons & Carols service, everyone is invited to gather in the Fellowship Hall to enjoy Christmas cookies and coffee together. Please come and bring a batch of your favorite treats to share.

Fir tree branch with wooden note against blurred lights, space for text. Christmas music

Christmas Eve, December 24

4:00pm • Family Christmas Eve Service • In-Person and Online

7:00pm • Traditional Candlelight Service • In-Person and Online


We invite you to come and bring your friends and neighbors as we gather on Christmas Eve to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ, the hope and salvation for all the world. Join us at 4:00pm or 7:00pm for music, scripture, and an inspired message. The 4:00pm service includes a children’s message, but children are welcome at both services. Additionally, Communion is offered at both services. Come rejoice with us at this special Christmas Eve service!


Fir tree branch with wooden note against blurred lights, space for text. Christmas music

Advent Devotional & Bible Study

Book available in November
Sundays • December 1–15 • 11:00am • Room 112
Wednesdays • December 4–18 • 10:45am • Fellowship Hall


Life is full of waiting: waiting in traffic, waiting for a child, waiting for test results, and wondering the whole time where God is and what God is doing while we wait. The Advent season, too, is a time of waiting and hope as we anticipate the coming of our savior. To help us prepare this season, we are reading the devotional Waiting Here for You: An Advent Journey of Hope by Louie Giglio. This book includes a short devotional reading for every day, beginning November 27, to help us focus on God’s work in us and presence with us as we wait.


Additionally, Fairfax UMC is offering the corresponding video study on Sundays after the worship service starting December 1 and on Wednesdays at 11:00am starting December 4. Childcare is provided during the Sunday session. Both sessions have the same content, so you are welcome to attend whichever works best for your schedule. Whether or not you plan to attend the study, we invite you to pick up a copy of Waiting Here for You at the church or contact the church office to make other arrangements to receive a copy. If you have questions, contact Angela Schroeder at aschroeder@fairfaxumc.org.