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Key Volunteers

In addition to our excellent staff, Fairfax UMC relies on our lay volunteers to continue our ministry and mission and share God’s love with our church family and community. We appreciate everyone who serves at FUMC, whether in a large or small role. Keep scrolling to learn about some of our key volunteers and what they do.

Group of kindergarten kids lying on the grass at park and relax with smiling

Church Leadership Team

The governing body of Fairfax United Methodist Church is the Church Leadership Team, or CLT for short. This streamlined structure was adopted in 2016 as FUMC’s official leadership body. The CLT is responsible for the overall vision and ministry of the church, including personnel, finances, and support to the Worship, Learning, and Mission Pillars, plus youth and children’s ministries. The CLT is comprised of nine members, plus the Senior Pastor.


Church Leadership Team Chair: Carl Kreisel

The Church Leadership Team includes the following members in addition to the chair:

Leslie Carter, Lay Leader • Mary Landis, Staff Parish Representative • Tom Scibilia, Finance Representative • Clark Adams, Trustees’ Representative • Scott Tribbie, Men’s Ministry Representative • Cheryl Dickerson, Women’s Ministry Representative • Tyler Maxwell, Young Adult Representative • Johanna Carroll, Youth Representative • Rev. David Bonney, Senior Pastor

Group of kindergarten kids lying on the grass at park and relax with smiling

Board of Trustees

The Board of Trustees is responsible for the physical and legal needs of Fairfax UMC. The Trustees work with the Director of Administration and other church staff to oversee the upkeep and improvement of the church properties and buildings. They also are authorized to represent the church in legal matters.


Trustee Board Chair: Wyatt Bethel

wyatt.bethel27@gmail.com • 703-282-9294


Church Pillars

Ministry at Fairfax UMC is organized under four groups called “Pillars.” Each Pillar includes a church member as a chairperson, an unset number of at-large members, and one or more pastors and church staff members. The Pillars meet monthly, other than the Congregational Care Pillar, which meets quarterly. Meetings are held via Zoom and are open to anyone who wishes to attend. If you would like to participate in one of the Pillars, please contact that Pillar’s chairperson or one of the pastors.


Worship Pillar

We experience great joy and purpose as we worship God at Fairfax UMC. The Worship Pillar oversees all aspects of the worship life of our church, including attending to Sunday morning logistics like ushers, sound, slides, and the livestream, planning special services like Lessons and Carols or Lenten worship, and coordinating with our Chancel and bell choirs.


Pillar Chair: Chris Crowl

hccrowl@mindspring.com • 202-413-7445


Missions Pillar

God calls us to love and serve our neighbors, both at home and around the world. The Mission Pillar oversees Fairfax UMC’s missions projects, including local projects, such as Stock the Shelves, FACETS Hot Meals, Lamb Center Lunches, and support for local students, and global ministries like our biannual mission trips to Honduras and our partnership with the Honduras Independence Bilingual School. The Mission Pillar also seeks other opportunities throughout the year for Fairfax UMC to engage in missions.


Pillar Chair: Bob Zotian


Learning Pillar

Adults, youth, and children are called to grow spiritually in our faith as Christians, a process known as discipleship. At Fairfax UMC, this area of ministry is handled by the Learning Pillar, which coordinates Bible studies, workshops, Confirmation, and other education events.


Pillar Chair: Wyatt Bethel

wyatt.bethel27@gmail.com • 703-282-9294

Pillar_Congregational Care

Congregational Care Pillar

The Congregational Care Pillar works with Fairfax UMC’s pastors to support members of our congregation. They do this in many ways, including cards, calls, meals, visitations, Communion delivery, rides, and more. The Congregational Care Pillar meets on a quarterly basis via Zoom. Contact the Pillar Chair, Pat Shaulis, for dates and a Zoom link. If you have needs that the Congregational Care Pillar can address or if you would like to help the Pillar in its work, contact Pat Schaulis.


Pillar Chair: Pat Schaulis

pashaulis@aol.com • 703-359-5883

Music, Missions, Ministry, and More

Group of kindergarten kids lying on the grass at park and relax with smiling

Handbell Director:
Alan Payne

Alan.Payne@E-ware.net • 703-216-1962

As the handbell director, Alan runs two handbell choirs, the Dulce Ringers and the Bellissimo Ringers. These choirs provide music for worship throughout the year and perform an annual summer concert, as well as offering musicians a chance to fellowship and use their gifts for the glory of God.

Group of kindergarten kids lying on the grass at park and relax with smiling

Wedding Coordinator:
Phyllis Fadely

pfadely@fairfaxumc.org • 703-591-3120 x122 • 571-244-3795

As the wedding coordinator, Phyllis works with couples planning to get married at Fairfax UMC to ensure that all the practical details of each wedding are in order so the couple’s special day goes smoothly and God may be glorified through each ceremony. She is also the President of the Chancel Choir.

Group of kindergarten kids lying on the grass at park and relax with smiling

ESL Coordinator:
Laura Zotian


Laura took over as the Coordinator of Fairfax UMC’s English as a Second Language program in 2021 and transitioned it into its current form. As the ESL Coordinator, she handles student registration and organizes and teaches classes when the program is in session.