[image shadow=”true” size=”huge” border=”true” align=”center”]https://03543d0.netsolhost.com/staging/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/Youth-Music.jpg[/image]
The Chapel Choir is the youth choir here at Fairfax United Methodist Church. It is comprised of students in seventh through twelfth grades. They sing frequently during the school year at all three worship services. The Chapel Choir often has the opportunity to participate in the Lessons and Carols services, Christmas Eve, Easter, concerts, and much more. In addition to their involvement at church, the Chapel Choir has participated in musicals, choir tours, competitions, and festivals including one at King’s Dominion. Emphasis is placed on developing vocal technique for the beginning singer.
Rehearsals: TBD
Jonathan Giblin, director
The Open Doors Music Team leads music for the 11:15a.m. Open Doors Worship Service. In addition to providing leadership during the congregational singing, this group of singers and instrumentalists offers special music on a weekly basis. The music team is always looking for individuals who sing and play instruments (guitar, bass, piano, djembe, etc.)
Rehearsals: Thursdays, 7:00-8:00 p.m.
Chris Burke, director
Handbell music is a rich part of our music ministry at Fairfax UMC. Our ringers perform several times throughout the year and frequently participate in concerts, festivals, and workshops. Emphasis is placed on developing technique for all levels of ability from beginners to highly experienced ringers.
Rehearsals: Mondays 6:30-8:00 p.m.
Larry Burke, director