In order to have safe experience worshiping God together in person, please follow these precaution requirements:
- The first step is to familiarize yourself with the health-screening poster. Review of this poster is required of all in-public church gatherings, including public worship.
- Register on the form at right by Wednesdays, prior to any service, or you may call or email the church office.
- Nursery, Sunday School and or Fellowship Time are not available during this phase.
- Arrive earlier than you normally would attend 9:30am worship. The doors will be open at 9:00am with live music as you wait for the beginning of worship.
- Wear a mask, covering mouth and nose, upon exiting your vehicle. Masks are required the entire duration in the FUMC building.
- You may bring your own hand sanitizer. Also, hand sanitizing stations are available at the entrance.
- Enter only through the outside Sanctuary doors (the doors facing Stratford Avenue) The ramp entrance will be open. All other doors at the church will be locked. The elevator will not be in use. Handicapped access is by the ramp entrance.
- Upon entry, please check in at one of the health-screen check in tables to confirm the information on the health screening poster.
- Ushers will direct you to pews down the side aisle. Every other pew is available for social distancing purposes.
- Restrooms on the second floor near the Sanctuary are available.
- At the conclusion of the worship service, exit is down the center aisle only.
- Groups must continue social distancing inside and outside the building.
- For added safety, the Sanctuary is cleaned and disinfected after each worship service.