[image shadow=”true” size=”huge” border=”true” align=”center”]https://03543d0.netsolhost.com/staging/wp-content/uploads/2011/08/SundaySchool.jpg[/image]
Sunrisers is an adult class that meets weekly with a variety of lessons provided through leaders and guest speakers and occasionally a DVD curriculum. Refreshments, prayer time, a lesson and great fellowship are a part of each week. Steve Sherman is the coordinator.
This class of adults meets twice a month and they use guests speakers, books and short-term curriculum taught by members of the class in shared leadership. Betsy Jenkins, Coordinator.
Coffee and Christ led by Laura and Dan Sanders meets weekly in the Fellowship Hall to discuss current topics and how we are challenged as Christians to respond to these “headlines”. The group uses the Wired Word, an on-line curriculum, that members of the class receive on Thursdays and then discuss on Sundays.
Gift Class is a class for members of the congregation with specialized learning needs. The class is led by a group of volunteers who enjoy fellowship with the very loyal class members. Each week they enjoy a Bible story, craft, shared snack and rousing fellowship.
The Crusaders are led each week in Bible Study by Jim Conklin, using a lectionary-based curriculum to study different books of the Bible. In the Fall, the group is discussing Isaiah, Matthew, Hebrews, and Revelation. A few hymns are sung each week as a part of their morning gathering.
Bible Explorers is led by Eloisa Steiner. As their name suggests, they explore the Bible together through the Standard Lesson Quarterly and share together. This group of single and married adults gathers weekly throughout the year to challenge and support each other as they learn more about the teachings of the Bible.