If you’ve experienced grief or loss, you know how hard it can be to be surrounded by Christmas festivities, celebrations, and joy while carrying a heavy heart yourself. If you’d like some tips on how to journey through the holiday season in the midst of grief and loss, join us for our next Discovery Days workshop, Surviving the Holidays, on December 3, 11:00am–1:00pm, in the Multi-Purpose Room. In this two-hour workshop, which features content created by GriefShare, the world’s number one grief recovery program, you’ll view a 35-minute video, have time for meaningful discussion, and receive a take-home survival guide. Come discover how Surviving the Holidays has helped so many people find the comfort and strength they need to journey through this challenging season. If you have questions or want to help provide event hospitality, email Pastor Pamela Kipps at pkipps@fairfaxumc.org.