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Endowment Grants

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Endowment Grants

February 9 - March 10

The Endowment Committee is pleased to announce that our church has funds available for grants in 2025. If any member of the church congregation or staff has a worthwhile project that can improve our ministries in the areas of worship, music, learning, congregational care, fellowship, outreach/missions, or church facilities, and the item or project is not already a line item in the church budget, you are encouraged to complete a grant application. Applications are available at the church office or by clicking here. The completed application must be delivered to Dawn Conrow at the church office no later than March 10, 2025, to be considered by the Endowment Committee. The grant applications should also have been previewed and approved by the Church Pillar Chair who over-sees the area of focus of the grant request. If approved, funding for approved grants can begin as early as mid-April.


February 9
March 10
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Fairfax United Methodist Church
10300 Stratford Avenue
Fairfax, VA 22030 United States
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