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Will You Serve Your Neighbor?

Neighbor to Neighbor is the focus for our congregation in October. On October 19 we are asking will you serve your neighbor? UMCOR kits and Fairfax Villa backpack meals will be assembled during the Fellowship Time from 10:30-11:15am. We would like to assemble 100 UMCOR health kits, but need the following supplies:

  • 79 washcloths
  • 68 metal nail file or clipper (NO emery boards or toenail clippers)
  • 69 packaged bath size soap (individually packaged 3 oz. and larger sizes, NO Ivory soap due to moisture content)
  • 100 toothbrush (adult size SOFT only, and individually packaged)
  • 250 adhesive bandages ( ¾” to 1” size)

Please place items in the collection box outside Fellowship Hall. For more information visit UMCOR Relief Kits.

Food donations for backpack meals are also needed.

Every two weeks we provide meal bags for children in need who attend Fairfax Villa Elementary in Fairfax. Although we live in an affluent area, many are not blessed in the same way. At Fairfax Villa, nearly 1/3 of the students are eligible for free and reduced school meals because their families’ income (for families of four) are below $40,000/year. While their parents are working on the weekends, often the children must feed themselves. Through the backpack meals, our ministry provides children with the calories they need for their bodies and minds to better reach their potential. To provide over 40 meal bags every two weeks, we have an ongoing need for single-serve cereal boxes, shelf-stable milk, heat-and-serve meals (beef-a-roni or macaroni & cheese), and snacks (fruit cups, jello and pudding cups, cheese and crackers, single-serve bags of chips or pretzels, and granola bars). Your ongoing support is appreciated most by the children that benefit. This is just one more opportunity to be the hands of Christ to those in your community.